
Pro Market is an online platform to manage the profitability of corn, soybean, cotton and live cattle production, with buy and sell triggers based on financial data and analysis over your profit margins.

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Soybean Price Risk Management

Specialized consultancy for crushers, soybean consumers (grain, meal and oil). Our goal is to implement a daily monitoring of commodity and currency price exposures, with triggers for decision making.

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Currency Exchange Risk Management

Currency hedge management, seeking to reduce rollover costs. In this way, by “fighting with Ptax”, we provide financial gain to the client. Advice on the definition and implementation of foreign exchange hedging policies.

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The ideal tool for monitoring and
managing your profit


Don’t lose sleep over price fluctuations of your crop during harvest.

Make thoughtful marketing decisions

Sales Triggers Sent via WhatsApp and Email

Pro Market

Pro Market

Crop merchandising success goes beyond guessing the future. It is achieved by an enhanced plan, based on your profit margins.

Pro Market monitors market conditions and creates buy and sell triggers according to profitability targets previously set by you.

Here you control all your trades, in addition to having a real-time pricing of your stock, regardless of the region you produce.

With Pro Market you know your costs and make planned decisions over your merchandising.

Identify market
opportunities in real time

Map your pricing targets
with instant notifications

Find out if the physical
price is fair or not

Control the
profitability of your crop.

Management of the Crushing Margins for the Soy Industry

the Margin


Ensure that all costs are mapped and taken into account in an assertive way to calculate the result in each deal.

the Margin


Ensure that all currency and ag derivatives exposures are mapped and controlled, avoiding surprises.

the Margin


Seize market opportunities and make sure that indirect risks are mitigated.

Daily monitoring of tools to control market exposure
Hedge and Strategic Positions
FOB Basis (Ports)
Management and accounting control of derivative trades
Position monitoring – Mark to Market

FX Exchange Risk Management

Reduction of the foreign exchange spread, through direct negotiation with banks.

Spot Dollar (Export, Import, ACC and
Advance Payment);
Dollar NDF (currency hedge)

Currency hedge management, seeking to reduce rollover costs. In this way, by “fighting with Ptax”, we provide financial gain to the customer.

Advising to define and implement currency hedging policies.

Currency exposure analysis
Long & Short analysis
Definition of metrics and indicators

Advising in Commercial Management for Farms

mercado interno

Combining our knowledge and experience in the physical market, market intelligence, hedging and corporate governance, Agrinvest offers Advising services on macro commercial management of farms that produce soybeans, corn and cotton.

The main focus of our work refers to assertiveness in the purchase of inputs and in the sale of the production, helping our customers in making strategic business decisions according to pre-established financial gain objectives.

Get in touch with our Commercial Team

Register and one of our commercial consultants will contact you!
If you believe we can help you with your business, please contact us by calling, emailing or filling out the form on the left!
+55 41 3094 0200
Headquarters – Curitiba/PR Rua General Mário Tourinho, 1746 – Room 501
80.740-000 – Curitiba – PR, Brazil

Maringá – PR

Rua Neo Alves Martins, 2999
Room 51

Rio Verde – GO

Avenida Presidente Vargas, 266
5th Floor

Cuiabá – MT

Av. Historiador Rubens de Mendonça, 1894, 12th Floor, Room 1202 and 1203, Business center Maruanã

Genebra – Suiça

2 Rue Jargonnant, 1207

Miami – EUA

2665 South Bayshore Drive
Suite 307

Agrinvest Weekend

The journal that brings intelligence to Agribusiness.